Dental veneers are thin sheaths designed to adhere to the front side of teeth. While sometimes considered a purely cosmetic procedure, veneers can be used alone or in conjunction with crowns to provide quite a few benefits. Here are four examples of when veneers are worth considering.
Protecting Chipped or Cracked Teeth
A chipped or cracked tooth is also a weakened tooth. That means you want to do something that provides a measure of strength to the tooth. Opting for veneers allows you to resolve the problem on two levels. First, the veneers are sturdy enough to reduce pressure on the tooth when you chew. That means the crack or the chip is less likely to become worse.
The veneer also hides the crack or chipped area. When applied properly, no one will know the tooth has sustained any type of damage. In some cases, the dentist may recommend pairing the veneer with a crown for optimum benefits.
Filling in the Gaps
Do you have small gaps between some of the teeth? Bonding is one solution, but you will find that veneers are also worth investigating. Since the veneers can add a tiny amount of bulk to the teeth, they can be used to fill in those gaps. This solution ensures that the teeth still seem to be properly proportioned and look perfectly natural. Thanks to the fact that the veneers can be tinted to match the hue of your teeth, people will notice your smile is nicer without really knowing why.
Changing the Shape of the Tooth
Having a tooth or two that are not perfectly shaped is not unusual. One of the easiest ways to correct the problem is by using veneers. The devices can be contoured to alter the tooth’s shape so that it blends in nicely with the surrounding teeth.
Hiding Permanent Stains
Teeth whitening, up to and including bleaching, often get rid of years of staining. Even so, there may be some stains that simply won’t go away. If that’s the case, following a complete round of whitening with the application of veneers makes sense. The stains are covered and your smile looks better than it has in years.
Have you cracked a tooth or wonder if something would improve the look of your teeth? Now is the time to contact your dentist and go in for a checkup. Discuss veneers and what they could do for you. They may turn out to be the solution that’s just right.