Top 5 Questions to Ask during a Dental Cleaning

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Top 5 Questions to Ask during a Dental Cleaning

Going for a dental cleaning is probably a task you’ve completed without much thought for most of your life. However, the next time that you visit the dentist, consider asking some questions to even further better your dental health.

Am I prone to this condition?
If your family has a history of a certain dental condition or if you suffered from a serious dental issue in the past, you may wonder if you’re predisposed to a specific ailment. Instead of searching on the internet and abiding by hearsay from friends, ask your dental professional to get an answer once and for all.

Am I showing early signs of any diseases?
While proficient dentists should inform patients of possible signs of disease and decay, it doesn’t hurt to show that you want to play an active role in your own health. Being a conscientious patient can make it easier for your practitioner to have conversations with you.

How is my brushing technique?
When you were a kid, you probably had to demonstrate how you brushed your teeth for the dentist. Even if you feel that particular task is behind you, it can help to have an evaluation now. The procedures that you follow at home are important in maintaining daily oral health.

What other routines should I follow at home? 
Whether you’re debating if you should floss one more time or if you aren’t using mouthwash enough, you can discuss your current routine with the dentist. These professionals may already be able to tell based on the condition of your mouth. At the least, you can gain confirmation that you’re taking the right steps

Do you work with children too?
If you have kids, you may find that they have some uncertainties, questions and fears about going to the dentist. These issues can stem from chats they’ve had with their friends or episodes of television shows. Bringing your children to your dentist can help to ameliorate their fears. For example, you can remind them that you always have a positive experience when you go to the dentist, thereby encouraging them to open their minds and release some or all of their fears.

A routine dental cleaning might not seem like much more than your regular practice. However, when you ask some questions, you can get a better grasp of your current state of dental health and steps you can take to improve even more.

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Top 5 Questions to Ask during a Dental Cleaning

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